
DepartmentPolitical science

How to publish

How to publish in Political analyses: East European Journal of Hybrid Conflicts


General instructions


Political analyses: East European Journal of Hybrid Conflicts accepts high-quality, original manuscripts for publication.

It is published twice a year.

The contributions should be submitted before of 30 of June or before 30 of October.

All papers submitted are peer-reviewed.

Authors will be informed about of the decision of publication of their submitted text within one month.  

Following revision an accepted paper will normally be published in one of the next two issues of the journal.

Languages of publication – English and Bulgarian


Journal scope statement

Political analyses: East European Journal of Hybrid Conflicts welcomes scholarly manuscripts that examine transformations of the warfare and put emphasis on hybrid conflicts, hybrid challenges, hybrid attacks, hybrid warfare in all its forms (economic warfare, lawfare, terrorism, etc.) non-kinetic warfare, psychological warfare, electronic warfare, cyberwarfare, information warfare, cognitive warfare. Empirical studies and theoretical papers examining the vulnerability of former socialist countries to external hybrid influences, contrary to their national interests and orientation, are strongly encouraged. Although it was founded by two Bulgarian universities, the journal strives to support the international scientific debate in the field and to enable scientists and practitioners from different countries to exchange ideas, findings, experience and practices.

Article Types


Research Article

Research articles must be between 5,000 and 8,000 words, including all notes but not including the reference list/bibliography. Authors are encouraged to keep notes to an absolute minimum, except in cases where crucial clarifying information needs to be provided.

This section is peer reviewed.



Commentaries should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words. Notes and reference lists/bibliographies should not be included.

This section is not peer reviewed.



Reviews should be around 1,000 words and should focus upon a single book, edited volume or seminal report. However, book reviews should also attempt to place the work being reviewed within the broader literature on a particular subject and may include references.

This section is peer reviewed.


Authors considering to submit an article for possible publication should be also aware that

  • Submissions should strive to be objective, non-partisan, evidence-based and carefully documented
  • Articles should represent research that has not been published elsewhere
  • Copyright of articles remains with the authors - but so does legal responsibility for any content
  • articles should be submitted in two files: (i) full article with name(s) of author(s), abstract, complete text with endnotes and author(s) biography/-ies and (ii)  an anonymous version without the names
  • Submissions should be about 5,000-8,000 words long, use APA style citation and should be written in WORD


Article structure

Title - in English and Bulgarian

A short abstract clearly presenting the problem, aims, methods, and results of the paper (up to 150 words) - in English and Bulgarian

Maximum 7 keywords in English and Bulgarian


Text format

  • Times New Roman 12-point font shall be used, with a range of 1.5. Headings shall be in italic and bold (Times New Roman) 14-point font.
  • Tables, figures, and charts should be inserted in the text with the indicated source.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Submissions should be made electronically to the next electronic address:


